Keyboard problem for Xmanager on Citrix [1]

Keyboard problem for Xmanager on Citrix [1]

Keyboard problem for Xmanager on Citrix

Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:08 PM - Paul

Problem: Xmamanger is installed on a Citrix Server. Users connecting to that Citrix Server have different Keyboards (some have english keyboards, some have german keyboards). Is it possible to support this, as there's only one xmanager.ini file in the Program directory, which is valid for all users?

Re: Keyboard problem for Xmanager on Citrix

Friday, March 19, 2004 1:47 PM - Support

To support users with different configuration settings including the choice of keyboard type, multi configuration needs to be supported. Unfortunately, Xmanager 1.3.9 does not support this.

Please try Xmanager 2.0 to enable the feature you want. Download is available from /products/xmg_2beta.html

Thank you for using our Xmanager.

Technical Support

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