Can't Open Display [3]

Can't Open Display [3]

Can't Open Display

Monday, February 2, 2004 7:38 AM - Hrh

I am using my notebook to connect to a Solaris machine. Xmanager version is 1.3.9. There is no firewall. I constantly get

"Cant't open display PC_IP:0"

I tried different Solaris machines in our network, same message. I am using wireless connection.

Any help?

Re: Can't Open Display

Monday, February 2, 2004 11:16 PM - Support

Please check if your PC and the Solaris machine are located in the same subnet. Usually, wireless access point allocates private IP addresses for the client machines.

For more information, please read FAQ #4 at:


Hope to solve the problem.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Can't Open Display

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:15 PM - Hrh

As in answer to FAQ, I tried to use ssh, I connected, but I cannot type anything. Looks like keyboard is not working? Any idea?


Re: Re: Re: Can't Open Display

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:28 PM - Support

The dialog box shows only the reply messages from the server. You can't enter characters in the dialog box.

If there is no problem, an xterm window should be displayed on your Windows.

If the problem persists, please provide us with the following:

- A screenshot of the Remote Execution Results dialog box.
- A screenshot of the Xstart program.

Hope this can help you.

Technical Support

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