XManager does not open Solaris 9 GUI [1]

XManager does not open Solaris 9 GUI [1]

XManager does not open Solaris 9 GUI

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 5:00 AM - Deepak Vyas


I am trying to use the latest version of Xmanager 1.3.9 evaluation version to connect to Solaris 9.
I am able to use Xstart and get a command line login screen, but when the broadcaster throws me the list of hosts I can login to... when i say connect... theres no reply for 4 - 5 minutes and then an error message comes back at the hash prompt of the Solaris machine.

I am trying to connect from a Windows XP Home Edition.

The /var/dt/errors file has this information in it.
Mon Oct 20 12:33:45 2003
error (pid 344): Hung in XOpenDisplay( attempt #0, aborting.

Mon Oct 20 12:33:45 2003
error (pid 344): Server open attempt #0 failed for, giving up

Mon Oct 20 12:37:40 2003
error (pid 466): Hung in XOpenDisplay( attempt #0, aborting.

Mon Oct 20 12:37:40 2003
error (pid 466): Server open attempt #0 failed for, giving up

For your info... the is my windows xp machine.

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

Re: XManager does not open Solaris 9 GUI

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 3:13 PM - Support

The problem might occur when:

- The locale of the Solaris server requires additional fonts.
- The dtlogin process doesn't work well with your Windows machine.
- The DISPLAY variable is fixed as ":0" in the shell scripts.

Please try to add a font server in the Xconfig. For more information on font server, please read FAQ #1 at:


Also, try to run Xbrowser instead Xmanager to connect to the Solaris machine.

If the problem persists, let us know the following:

- The locale setting of Solaris.
- C:\Program Files\Xmanager1.3.9\Xmanager.log

Technical Support

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