nothing happen when start connecting to solaris 10 [1]

nothing happen when start connecting to solaris 10 [1]

nothing happen when start connecting to solaris 10

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 7:20 PM - nxthao

Hello! Im very new to Xmanager and even Solaris,so help me if i get wrong,thx
I tried to connect from winxp to solaris x86 via xmanager but nothing happen,i used all xdm query,secure XDMCP,still nothing happen,i need your help,thx very much.And plz tell me where i can take log file

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : Other

Re: nothing happen when start connecting to solaris 10

Thursday, October 1, 2009 1:01 AM - Support

Thank you for using Xmanager.

First, to use XDMCP connection, there are few things you need to make sure.

1. Did you enable XDMCP on the remote host?
If you answered 'No', here is the instruction to enable XDMCP on the remote Solaris: /products/xmg_faq.html#a-1

2. Did you add Xmanager to the exception list on Windows Firewall?

3. Are there any firewalls or gateways between your PC and the remote host? If yes, it can be difficult to use XDMCP. In this case, try using Secure XDMCP. Here is the instruction: /products/xmg_tutorial9.html

Also, try running the remote desktop via SSH connection. Here is the instruction:


Technical Support

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