XDMCP connection failed [3]
XDMCP connection failed [3]
XDMCP connection failed
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 12:34 AM - Saad
before i was connecting to our server (solaris) using the Xmanager with no problem. suddenly i was not able to do that. i have changed my IP with no luck. i even tried to use my friend IP in which he can use the Xmanager but i failed. All my friend (even with differnet VLAN) can access the server with no problem except me :(
for your kind support please.
Program Ver. : Xmanager 2.x
Connection Method : XDMCP connection
before i was connecting to our server (solaris) using the Xmanager with no problem. suddenly i was not able to do that. i have changed my IP with no luck. i even tried to use my friend IP in which he can use the Xmanager but i failed. All my friend (even with differnet VLAN) can access the server with no problem except me :(
for your kind support please.
Program Ver. : Xmanager 2.x
Connection Method : XDMCP connection
Re: XDMCP connection failed
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:53 PM - Andrew
If the problem only occurs on your computer within the same network, it is most likely the firewall or security application issue. Check your Windows or 3rd party firewall/security application to allow Xmanager from receiving incoming connections (TCP ports 6000-6010).
Re: Re: XDMCP connection failed
Sunday, November 30, 2008 1:08 AM - Saad
thanks for your reply. However i already disabled the firwall and again i cannot access the server. i'm reciving the gray window with no login window.
looking forward for support.
looking forward for support.
Re: Re: Re: XDMCP connection failed
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 5:12 PM - George
If that problem occurs only at your PC, it is almost sure there must be running firewalllike program in your PC.
Windows firewall of Windows itself, antivirus programs with personal firewall, etc.
Are you sure you can't access the solaris machine with your friend's IP address with which your friend can access. If not, how about adding your ip address in /etc/hosts file of the solaris machine. Sometimes due to DNS problem, this kind of problem occurs.
Windows firewall of Windows itself, antivirus programs with personal firewall, etc.
Are you sure you can't access the solaris machine with your friend's IP address with which your friend can access. If not, how about adding your ip address in /etc/hosts file of the solaris machine. Sometimes due to DNS problem, this kind of problem occurs.
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