xmanager2.0 and linux as5(x86_64) [1]

xmanager2.0 and linux as5(x86_64) [1]

xmanager2.0 and linux as5(x86_64)

Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:22 AM - Kelly

I use xmanager to connect remote servers.Now I meet a problem.When I use xmanager2(xstart or xshell) to connect my new server(os linux as5 x86_64),if I run 'gedit' or 'glade-2',Xrcmd.exe or Xshell.exe will cause cpu load 100% and gedit response very slow.
xmanager2 works well with other server(linux as4).But xmanager3.0 works well with the linux as5 server.
Can I improve this problem through config Xmanager2.0 or what can I do?
Best regards.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 2.x
Connection Method : Xstart connection

Re: xmanager2.0 and linux as5(x86_64)

Friday, July 11, 2008 10:23 AM - Support

Thank you for using Xmanager.

This problem occurs when the remote host uses the XRender extension which was not supported in Xmanager 2.0. Starting from Xmanager 3.0, XRender ext is supported by default.

To fix the problem, you will have to 1) disable the XRender Ext. or 2) upgrade to Xmanager 3.0.

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