Kerberos authentication [1]

Kerberos authentication [1]

Kerberos authentication

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 11:00 AM - Alf Pearce

We are currently using Xstart sessions to connect to various unix hosts (Tru64, Solaris, Linux) with SSH protocol. Until now, Xmanager has met our needs beautifully.

However, we are about to install some new hardware (Linux, Solaris) that will be configured with an OpenAFS shared file system. Kerberos authentication will be needed to gain a token for access to the OpenAFS file system. As the home directory for each account will be on the AFS file system, Kerberos authentication will also be needed for logging on to these new hosts - not SSH.

Can this be done with Xmanager? If so, how should this be set up? If not, is Kerberos support likely to be added to Xmanager some time in the near future?

Re: Kerberos authentication

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:00 PM - Support

We plan to include Kerberos support for our next major version (version 4). However, it would be difficult to include it in near future.

Thank you for your understanding.

Technical Support

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