Xmanager3: Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard [1]

Xmanager3: Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard [1]

Xmanager3: Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard

Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:12 PM - Ulf Straube

Let me come back to my forum entry No. 724
(Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard).
Your answer in June 2005 was:
"This feature is not available in current Xmanager release. We will include this feature in near future."
My hope was that "near future" means a couple of months or at least the next major release.
After installing Xmanager3_beta I'm a bit disappointed that this feature still hasn't been implemented.
Is there any chance to implement it in the final release of XManager3 or what did you mean with "near future"?
My company has purchased many Xmanager licenses and the requested feature is very important for our applications.

Re: Xmanager3: Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard

Friday, January 11, 2008 2:51 PM - Support

Thank you for using Xmanager and we apologize for the delay.

We are now working on this issue and hope to include in the official release on February 1st, 2008.

Technical Support

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