Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard [1]

Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard [1]

Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard

Friday, June 17, 2005 7:41 PM - Ulf Straube

We use a couple of X11 applications that copy pixmaps to the clipboard (using the XA_PRIMARY selection property in conjunction with a selection conversion procedure that supports among others the targets XA_PIXMAP and XA_COLORMAP).
Is it / will it be possible with XManager to transfer (automatically) such pixmaps from the X Windows clipboard to the Windows clipboard (as it works fine with text) so that they can be pasted to Windows applications ?
I know that it is possible to copy windows/contents by using XManager menu items. But this seems to be restricted to "multiple windows mode" and using the local Window manager. Moreover the content can not be controlled as this can be done by our X11 clients.
We would really appreciate a solution as it is implemented and works reliable in "Exceed".



Re: Application controlled copying of pixmaps to clipboard

Monday, June 20, 2005 3:49 PM - Support

Thank you for your feature request.

This feature is not available in current Xmanager release. We will include this feature in near future.

Previous views: 136

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