puertos que utiliza xstart con telnet [1]

puertos que utiliza xstart con telnet [1]

puertos que utiliza xstart con telnet

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 11:09 PM - cesar pulido

que puertos utiliza xstart para conectarse a linux via telnet aparte del 23


Re: puertos que utiliza xstart con telnet

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:55 AM - Support

To change the port used by a telnet session in Xstart, follow the instruction below:

1. Start Xstart
2. From the Session list, select a telnet session.
3. Click Setup.
RESULT: TELNET Protocol Setup dialog box opens up.
4. In Port Number, Type in the port number.

To change the default telnet port (23), you must do so from the telnet server side. For that please refer to your telnetd manual.

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