Graphical problems using Windows multi desktop software [1]

Graphical problems using Windows multi desktop software [1]

Graphical problems using Windows multi desktop software

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 5:33 PM - Peter

Hi Support,

we use XManager2 (0401) and DexPot (simple Desktop Pager for Windows) on Win2k, we've configured multi windows mode, local wm.

Xmanager seems to handle the windows order in some stange manner.

If there are other X11 windows on the desktop, which are visible on other desktop (pager) and a new X11 windows is comming up, sometimes it isn't placed on the top and some areas of the new window contain no graphic details, just empty frames (widthout border). The concerned areas corresponds to already existing X11 windows (on other pages).

Seems to me XManager thinks this (new) window isn't on the top an therefore shouldn't be updated.

One question is: why is the new upcomming window not on the top of X11 windows (and fully updated) ?
I expected this, because this ist default behaviour of all windows managers and Windows, to put new windows on the top of windows order.

Second issue: if I switch between the desktops (dexpot) some windows doesn't update, because XManager thinks other windows from other desktops are on the top and therefore the don't need to be updated. Is there any way to recognize the order of the really mapped windows and handle the update regarding this ?

with best regards

Re: Graphical problems using Windows multi desktop software

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 3:28 PM - Support

This problem is caused by the conflict between window manger and virtual desktop. We will further test this problem and post a solution as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

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