XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding] [11]

XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding]

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:26 AM - Ioan NIKY Pricop

Dear Sirs,

I recently got the trial version of Xmanager as most of the reviews on the net say it's the best choice for working on a remote Linux with X from your Windows...

But I couldn't work in any kind of XDMCP session, which quickly stalls and shows [not responding] in the window title. I made all the appropriate settings in Xacces and kdmrc files. It shows the login dialog but stalls while writing the user or password, or even while initializing KDE. Tried once Gnome [which - BTW - I hate!] but it's the same!!! You have attached the log on the XP machine and the errors on the Debian.

I don't want to close this request without mentionig that - after successfuly editing ssh.conf and sshd.conf - I could "Xstart" without problems an xterm and a mozilla. Only once, an xterm running a mc stalled the same way.

PS: I also have screen-captures of these problems, and a tcpdump list of LAN packets during such a failed XDCMP session, if it could help...

Re: Re: Re: XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding]

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:40 PM - Support

It has been reported that onboard LAN adapter sometimes fails when there is too much network traffic at any given moment.

To further assist you, please tell the result of the following tests.

1. Try connecting to Debian from different PCs.
2. Try using a different LAN card.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: Re: Re: Re: XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding]

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:03 PM - Ioan NIKY Pricop

Well... I tried from two other PC's:

- From one of my neighbours, wich has an old Fujitsu-Siemens Scenic, with 1G Pentium III processor and Win2K Prof. OS;
- From my wife's computer, a no-name based on a PC-CHIPS motherboard and Duron1300 processor, with Win2K server OS.

I want to say that on both computers the Xbrowser launched and ran well in connection with the Debian, BUT BOTH HAVE ONBOARD LAN ADAPTERS!

The only problem was on my wife's computer, with a garbled mouse-cursor and it was VERY difficult to "feel" it's hot-spot... [mouse-cursor's, not my wife's ;->]

I have to borrow a LAN card to try with it on my computer - maybe this evening - but it seems the problem does not lay in the onboard LAN adapter. People, if it works with that puny PC-CHIP's onboard LAN, why wouldn't it work with a GENUINE INTEL PERLL'S MOTHERBOARD ONE?!? I would rather suspect the damn' WindowsXP on this one!!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding]

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 11:27 PM - Support

Xmanager is a network and video intensive program and your problem may come from a lot of sources: network driver, other network applications, video driver, and so on.

I have a similar problem with Internet Explorer in my Windows XP on an IBM notebook. Sometimes IE is not responding when I visit a complex web site.
I know that this dose not justify your problem with our software. What I mean is that the problem is very difficult for us to pinpoint the reason.

I suggest the following test steps:

1. Terminate any network application in your XP including a firewall or anti-virus program.
2. Make sure that your Windows XP is up-to-date.

If your problem persists, we need to replicate your problem in our environment with the same desktop configuration.

The cursor problem in another computer occurred on the latest Xmanager that supports a large cursor. This will be fixed in the next version.

Hope to solve your problem.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding]

Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:12 PM - Ioan NIKY Pricop

I tested with the onboard LAN adapter disabled and a RTL8139D LAN-card in the third PCI slot, but IT WAS THE SAME.

I also tried your approach with terminating any network-related applications but with no success. In fact, there was only NAV2001 guarding on the computer.

I have another ideea to try to split between a hardware incompatibility or an XP-related problem: I have space on disk for a FreeBSD partition - which I didn't found time to install... I will try to put there a Windows 98 and see how Xmanager works under this OS with my hardware...

Before closing, another issue: I am an IT System-Engineer here in Romania - with my share of programming in the early '90-s - and if I could assist you by running any kind of diagnostic tools on my machine, I would gladly do it. I like your product and I would FOR SURE BUY A LICENCE IF WE COULD MAKE IT WORK ON MY COMPUTER.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding]

Monday, June 6, 2005 5:57 AM - Ioan NIKY Pricop

Well, Gentlmen...

I installed a sketchy Win98 [only nvidia video driver and Intel Chipset+onboardLAN] and it seems it does not stall anymore. So it seems it's not a hardware compatibility issue, but a software one. But still don't know if it's OS or driver related. And - by any means - I REALLY NEED ALL MY DRIVERS AND DEVICES!!!

PROBLEM: The cursor does not change it's shape as it should!!! As an example, it does not show the dirrection of "walls" in Jezzball, but it changes to show the action for the window-splitting in package manager. And - look! - even here it does not become the "hair-shape-I" as it should be.

I will further investigate what's keeping Xmanager from running properly in full-configuration, by Installing drivers one by one and test functionality in between. I already suspect either the printing-driver to a Hawkings-technologies USB printer-server or the HP4670 scanner which prompts me from time to time to download upgrades from internet, by DISCOVERING them as newly-arrived versions. But we shall see!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding]

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 4:58 PM - Support

Thank you for your cooperation.

To further test your mouse cursor problem, please send us the screenshots of your problem, and names of the programs which produce such errors.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: XDMCP sessions starting but... [not responding]

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 3:21 AM - Ioan NIKY Pricop

Dear Sirs,

I have attached a screen-capture from my wife's computer with an xterm launched and runing [don't be worried, that's how I launch it: xterm -bg black -fg green; remembers me the first VT52's on which I ran unixes and PDP 11...], and a ping -t. But as I use the PrtScr key and than "paste" it in paint, it does not show the cursor!!! If you can direct me to another capture method, I am available...

But I tried to Draw the cursor in "paint" also... Hope you would understand my "art" :-)

On my computer, under Win98, The cursor does not appear when I start XDMCP session in full screen, but if I go to an edge, it becomes "upper-left" arrow and changes very hard...

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