Access Remote System [1]

Access Remote System [1]

Access Remote System

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 6:28 PM - Srinivas

Dear Friends,
I am new to Xmanager. I installed Xmanager software 1.3 in Windows XP OS to access Linux OS(Remote System). Now i Clicked on Xmanager icon, Then it display some os names but i did not get one Linux Machine Name which i want to connect. How can i get the OS name in the Dialog box.
Please Help me.

Re: Access Remote System

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:08 PM - Support

If you are evaluating Xmanager, please install Xmanager 2.0 Build 0501 from the following download page, for Xmanager 1.3.9 is no longer supported.

After installing Xmanager, follow the thorough startup guide on the bottom of Xmanager 2.0 download page to configure the remote server and your PC.


Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

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