xdmcp connection failing on solaris9 [1]

xdmcp connection failing on solaris9 [1]

xdmcp connection failing on solaris9

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:32 AM - vivek bhola

I have got a machine running on solaris9
I have connected my laptop in the same vlan and given it the same shared domain ip as the server.

when i try to connect it says xdmcp connection failed. i wanna know what all can be done to enable xserver on my solaris machine

please reply urgently as this is my production server and I am stuck


Re: xdmcp connection failing on solaris9

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:28 PM - Support

First, make sure that dtconfig is running on the Solaris machine. If not, follow the instruction of Xmanager FAQ # 3 to enable/disable dtconfig process.


Since Xmanager is a server program, the remote host must be able to make a connection back to your local PC. From the local PC, allow incoming TCP 6000~6010 ports. Please refer to Xmanager FAQ # 5, 12 for more information on Howto setup a firewall.

If everything fails, please send us the Xmanager log file. It is located in the following directory.

C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application Data\NetSarang\Xmanager\2\Log\*.log

Hope this solves your problem.

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