Solaris 10 keyboard problem with Java Desktop (Gnome) [1]

Solaris 10 keyboard problem with Java Desktop (Gnome) [1]

Solaris 10 keyboard problem with Java Desktop (Gnome)

Friday, March 4, 2005 2:34 AM - Haitham

Hi all,

I trying to use xmanager with Solaris 10 on Sun Blade 100 workstation. Everything works fine with the CDS desktop, however, when I try to login using the Java Desktop which uses Gnome, the keyboard does not work. The mouse actualy works, but if I open a terminal window for example and I start typing, I get cursor fliker and no cursor movement occurs nor do characters appear on the screen. Does anyone have an idea about what is causing this? Thank you in advance.

Re: Solaris 10 keyboard problem with Java Desktop (Gnome)

Friday, March 4, 2005 1:49 PM - Support

This is a known problem for Sparc version of Solaris 10. This problem is not isolated to Xmanager but to all X servers. We will post a solution when SUN makes an official announcement. Meanwhile, please use CDE for your work.

Please refer to following forum for more information:

Thank you for your cooperation.

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