Error message when installing font packs [1]

Error message when installing font packs [1]

Error message when installing font packs

Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:58 PM - Bj¿n Carlberg


When I try to install the font packs for Mathematica and Java I get the message:

"Xmanager2 is not installed in your system"

I'm using an evaluation copy of Xmanager Enterprise 2.0. Any idea of what the problem might be?

Attachment Error.JPG (9.1 KB)  

Re: Error message when installing font packs

Monday, January 24, 2005 10:32 PM - Support

We have just made those fonts available for Xmanager Enterprise 2.0. Please
download Xmanager 2.0 font packs from the following link and install it again.

Technical Support

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