Cannot create fontset [1]

Cannot create fontset [1]

Cannot create fontset

Thursday, October 2, 2003 10:11 PM - Bruno Valette

I'm using Xmanager 1.3.9e with AIX 5.2 server.
When i try to use it, after positionning DISPLAY, i have the following message :
tera /usr/bin:Cannot create fontset.
The font set specified for the browser windows is unavailable.
Please correct the 'BrowserFontList:' resource in X resources.
Font sets have the format ; : .
More information is available in the X11 documentation.

If i do the same with Exceed product, it's OK !

What's wrong !

Thanks for response.

Re: Cannot create fontset

Monday, October 6, 2003 4:36 PM - Support

The problem might happen when some required fonts are in Xmanager. Please try to add the following font pack at:


If it also fails, please try to add a font server in the Xconfig program. For more information on font server, please read Xmanager Help or FAQ #1 at:


Hope to solve the problem.

Technical Support

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