Xmanager show nothing when use with Solaris [1]

Xmanager show nothing when use with Solaris [1]

Xmanager show nothing when use with Solaris

Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:51 PM - Robin Yong H.C.

Hi. I have a Sun Ultra1 140E with 13W interface, since I don't have Sun monitor I m using my PC running Windows XP to acess the Ultra1 using Xmanager. At first I access using tip from HyperTerminal and it seems to be ok since I can login. Later I use my Xmanager on WinXP to login, but the only thing I can see is a 'X' cursor with dot grey on the background. I have already change the Ultra1 IP address to be same subnet as my PC. Not sure if this info is helpful,by the way my monitor is a 15-inch Samsung 55S. Anyone with similiar experince? please tell me how u managed to solve this issue. Thx.

Re: Xmanager show nothing when use with Solaris

Friday, November 14, 2003 2:56 AM - Support

Please configure the Sun server as described in FAQ #3 at:


A dtlogin process should be running on the server.

Technical Support

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