WIN XP Home /RH9 [1]

WIN XP Home /RH9 [1]

WIN XP Home /RH9

Monday, November 24, 2003 5:56 AM - MikeH

I have recently changed my system from Win98 / Suse 8.1 to Windows XP (HOME) and RH9. I have had considerable diffucultyies connecting to the RH9 PC via any of the services available from Xmanager. After various tweaks and curses I now find I can connect but only to a text input, although I do get a message back saying "a connection request has been received from an unauthorized client 192.xxx.xxx.xxx will you accept?" This is the ip address of the linux box and exisits in the hosts and network file in windows\drivers\etc folder of the WinXP folder. Once I say yes I am onto the linux system but as I said text only. My previous setup automatically kicked of a X session. Please how do I show my Linux desktop in a window on the XP workstation
Attachment netsarang.doc (44.9 KB)Β Β 

Re: WIN XP Home /RH9

Monday, November 24, 2003 4:36 PM - Support

Please read FAQ #2 at:


You should configure your RedHat9 to accept the connections from remote X emulators.

Technical Support

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