Invalid x11 authentication cookie! [1]

Invalid x11 authentication cookie! [1]

Invalid x11 authentication cookie!

Friday, September 26, 2003 5:44 PM - Robert Au

I encounter the above error message when I try to run Synopsys from the workstation at PC.

The full error message is listed below, anyone have idea how to solve it?

Xlib: connection to "localhost:10.0" refused by server
Xlib: Xssh: Invalid x11 authentication cookie!
Error: Can't Open display


Re: Invalid x11 authentication cookie!

Saturday, September 27, 2003 3:38 AM - Adam

The problem may occur when you have switched user to another one after connecting over SSH. If the user id is changed, the new user can't read the "$HOME/.Xauthority" file of the original user.


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