Connection to RedHat 7.3 [2]

Connection to RedHat 7.3

Sunday, October 13, 2002 6:54 PM - Espen Ekeroth

I am trying to connect to a RedHat 7.3 system. Have read the issues other people have had connection to Linux, and done the faq #2 issue. (using gdm) But, it still don't work. I do see the server in "Xstart", but can't open a X session to the server. Se below for more info:

Xmanager Version Build 7
Copyright (c) 1997-2002 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
All rights reserved.

UTC Date: Sun Oct 13 09:43:58 2002
Local Date: Sun Oct 13 11:43:58 2002

X Server Directory: "C:Program FilesXmanager1.3.9"
Log File Path: "C:Program FilesXmanager1.3.9Xmanager.log"
Server Generation 1
XDMCP UDP Port: 177
Product Serial #: 236508-134907-999520
WinSock Version 1.1
Highest Version 2.2
Description: WinSock 2.0
System Status: Running
Max Sockets: 32767
Max UDP Datagram: 65467
Local Hostname: 'crest715-eek'
Local Host IP Address:
Xdmcp Init State: 0
Xdmcp Query Address:
Screen Resolution: 1400 x 1050
Size of Palette: 0
Number of Reserved Colors: 20
Resolution of Color: 16
Depth of Screen: 16
Maximum Cursor Width: 32
Maximum Cursor Height: 32
Frame Width: 4
Frame Height: 4
Border Width: 1
Border Height: 1
Maximum Client Area Width: 1400
Maximum Client Area Height:1003
Width of Display(mm): 320
Height of Display(mm): 240
Dots Per Inch X: 96
Dots Per Inch Y: 96
Icon Width: 32
Icon Height: 32
Caption Height: 19
DBCS Enabled: 0
GDI batch limit: 20
Mouse buttons: 2
Waveform Output Devices: 1
Mouse wheel present: 0
Monitors: 1
Same display format: 1
Virtual screen (x, y): (0, 0)
Virtual screen w x h: 1400 x 1050
Screen 0: 1280 x 1024
Keyboard file: Norwegia keyboard
Keyboard type: 1
nKeys, minKC, maxKC, mapWidth, nCompose: 102, 8, 148, 4, 30
Number of keycodes: 141
Number of KeySyms: 564
Bytes of KeySyms: 2256
=== OS Version Information ===
Platform id : 2
Major Version : 5
Minor Version : 0
Build Number : 2195
Description : "Service Pack 3"
Country Code : 47
Country String: Norway
Xdmcp Request Address:
Xdmcp Connection Address 0:
Xdmcp: sent a REQUEST message
Xdmcp: received an ACCEPT message
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 0
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 1
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 2
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 3
XDM go to sleep: too many retransmissions
User forces server termination.
Terminate at server reset is active.
X server was terminated normally.

Re: Connection to RedHat 7.3

Monday, October 14, 2002 12:40 AM - Espen Ekeroth

I have installed xmanager on a second client, and from that client the linux connection works.

I do think this is strange. There are som differences between the 2 client, mostly due to hardware that are different, but they are on the same lan (sharing the same lan switch also), and both are running windows 2000.


Re: Re: Connection to RedHat 7.3

Tuesday, June 10, 2003 8:02 PM - Gary

Try to add first machine ip to the /etc/hosts file


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