Getting error during installation [1]

Getting error during installation [1]

Getting error during installation

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 2:26 PM - S B Gupta


During installation of XMANAGER on Windows2000, we are getting following error:-

1607 , Unable to install InstallShield Scripting runtime

Please let us knows why we are getting this error and what is the solution for the same

Re: Getting error during installation

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 4:19 PM - Support

Run time error 1607 occurs when you don't have a full administrative permissions for your Windows machine or some other installer is active in memory. You can try to reboot Windows and login as Administrator to fix this problem.

Also, you could refer to the article in InstallShield support page to learn more reasons of the problem.:


Q107070 and Q107094 have some solutions on the problem.

Technical Support

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