Display Configuration Changed... message [1]

Display Configuration Changed... message [1]

Display Configuration Changed... message

Thursday, March 20, 2003 1:43 AM - Jason Crowther

I'm running Xmanager on windows xp.

frequently (but not every time), when returning from a screen saver, Xmanager displays the following message.

"The display configuration has changed. Do you wish to close all your X clients and restart now?" Y/N

Its pretty benign if you hit N. I've accidentally clicked Yes a few times (click happy) and lost a bit of work.

Is there any way to stop the message from popping up?


Re: Display Configuration Changed... message

Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:08 AM - Support

To stop the message, you can disable the "Show display change message" option in the Xconfig.

Technical Support

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