Public Key authentication for SSH2 [1]

Public Key authentication for SSH2 [1]

Public Key authentication for SSH2

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 3:08 PM - Radha

I'am not able to connect using public key authentication in servers running SSH2 version. It woks if I use password authentication. I get the following error message.

"Public Key authentication method for SSH2 is not available now. Please try the password authentication instead"

Plz suggest as to what needs to be done. We cannot use password authentication on all servers.

Re: Public Key authentication for SSH2

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 6:18 PM - Support

Unfortunately, Xstart doesn't support the public key authentication with the SSH2 protocol. This feature will be available in our future version.

Meanwhile you can try to use the Xshell program provided by our company. After connecting to the remote ssh server with the Xshell program, you can run xterm or other X11 applications. It brings Xmanager automatically when required. To download it, please visit at:


We hope hope this can help you.

Technical Support

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