Applications larger than ~1280x1024 not fully rendering [1]

Applications larger than ~1280x1024 not fully rendering [1]

Applications larger than ~1280x1024 not fully rendering

Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:43 AM - Dan Fineman

Hey all --

When I call up an X application (xlogo, xemacs, etc) and size it to larger than approx. 1280x1024, anything larger than those dimensions -- to the right and the bottom of the application -- do not render.

Any fixes for this?

Re: Applications larger than ~1280x1024 not fully rendering

Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:52 PM - Support

We are not able to reproduce the same error in our systems. Please provide us with more detailed information:

- Connection method (Xstart or XDMCP)
- Window Mode (Single or Multiple)
- C:\Program Files\Xmanager1.3.9\Xmanager.log
- A screenshot of the problem window.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Technical Support

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