Using Xmanager with Redhat in runlevel 3 [1]
Using Xmanager with Redhat in runlevel 3 [1]
Using Xmanager with Redhat in runlevel 3
Friday, November 14, 2003 1:07 AM - Jim Ruddell
My company bought Xmanager for remote admin on Red hat 9. I can get Xmanager to work via XDMCP but we don't want to use broadcast for production machine. In addition we don't use the graphical login. What I'd like to do is use the XStart program to logon with SSH then get GNOME to run. I can start the XServer with no trouble and get the clock to show (xclock) but how do I get my desktop? When I'm logged on to the console I use 'startx' but that won't work with XManager.What is the best way to do what I need?
Re: Using Xmanager with Redhat in runlevel 3
Friday, November 14, 2003 2:58 AM - Support
First, run an xterm using Xstart. And then run "startkde" or "gnome-session" at the prompt of the xterm window.
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