XDMCP Connection failed by Laforge [1]
XDMCP Connection failed by Laforge [1]
XDMCP Connection failed
Tuesday, September 2, 2003 6:28 PM - Laforge Olivier
I use Xmanager for long time, and I have a problem of "XDMCP Connection failed" for 2 weeks.
The Management Station (name: mgmtstation) : Windows 2000 /
The Sun Station :
- Dtlogin process is alive.
- there is no firewall.
- The file Hosts has the line : mgmtstation
- I can telnet the Sun Station and can ping to the Management Station .
- Telnet protocol in Xstart functions.
In Xbrowser, The Management station appears and disappears all the time (I don't know why). I have verified the connectivity.
There is no message in the file Xerrors.
I send you the Manager.log
I use Xmanager for long time, and I have a problem of "XDMCP Connection failed" for 2 weeks.
The Management Station (name: mgmtstation) : Windows 2000 /
The Sun Station :
- Dtlogin process is alive.
- there is no firewall.
- The file Hosts has the line : mgmtstation
- I can telnet the Sun Station and can ping to the Management Station .
- Telnet protocol in Xstart functions.
In Xbrowser, The Management station appears and disappears all the time (I don't know why). I have verified the connectivity.
There is no message in the file Xerrors.
I send you the Manager.log
Re: XDMCP Connection failed
Wednesday, September 3, 2003 12:36 AM - Support
The dtlogin process appears to work incorrectly. Please try to reboot the Sun station.
You can also try the newest version of Xmanager at:
It generates more detailed log messages.
Hope to solve the problem.
Technical Support
You can also try the newest version of Xmanager at:
It generates more detailed log messages.
Hope to solve the problem.
Technical Support
Previous views: 125