No Display on Win2000 [3]

No Display on Win2000 [3]

No Display on Win2000

Thursday, November 20, 2003 7:36 PM - Michael

I have a SUN Ultra5 with Solaris 2.6,and i will to connect it from home with a PC win2000.
I connect me into the local Net from the Company with Global Lan to Lan and VPNSecure.
Telnet and ftp from win2000 to SUN with cmd.exe is going.
xmanager in local net is already running.
When i connect me via ISDN to my SUN i see a grey screen!
With xstart canΒΏ open display ip:0!
I have no more idea what is wrong.
ThankΒΏ for help.

Re: No Display on Win2000

Friday, November 21, 2003 11:54 AM - Support

Please try the following command in Xstart:

/usr/bin/X11/xterm -ls -display IP_OF_VPN:0

If it also fails, your VPN configuration may block connections from Unix to your Windows machine. Xmanager listens TCP port 6000.

Also check that your Windows and Solaris should have the same network address. Please compare the IP address allocated by VPN with the one of Solaris.

For further support, provide us with the "C:\Program Files\Xmanager1.3.9\Xmanager.log" file.

Technical Support

Re: Re: No Display on Win2000

Saturday, November 22, 2003 12:48 AM - Michael

I am testing xstart with this configuration and it was not going.

TightVNC and PCAnywhere from home with win to my PC win2000 in the company is going.
TightVNC to Linux 7.3 is going too.

Re: Re: Re: No Display on Win2000

Monday, November 24, 2003 4:44 PM - Support

VNC and Xmanager are different from each other in the direction of connection. VNC is a client program but Xmanager is a server program. It means that the remote X applications such as xterm should connect to Xmanager in your Windows machine. In a firewall environment, the connection from remote Unix to your local PC may not be possible.

For further support, please let us know the detailed steps you followed and any error messages displayed during the connection. A screenshot would be a great help.

Technical Support

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