X-Server crashes [2]

X-Server crashes [2]

X-Server crashes

Friday, October 24, 2003 9:19 PM - Ren¿Glauser


I want evaluate your X-Server XManager 1.3.9 but have problems conecting to my Suse Linux 9.0 Server. Connection only works with color-adjustment "Pseudo Color" and doesn't work with "Auto Detect" or "True Color". What could be the Problem?
I've installed already the newest Driver for my ATI Radeo 9500 without success.
It would be nicer to have "True Color".

Can you make any suggestions?
X-Manager.log follows....

Kind regards Ren¿Glauser
Attachment XManager.log (4 KB)  

Re: X-Server crashes

Monday, October 27, 2003 11:54 PM - Support

We are trying to install and test SuSe 9. The test result will be posted in a few days.

Technical Support

Re: X-Server crashes

Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11:37 PM - Support

It turns out that some applications on Suse9 requires the PseudoColor visual. Currently you should set the visual to PseudoColor to fix this problem.

We are planning to introduce Xmanager 2.0 in a few months. The new version will support multi-visual and solve the problem.

Technical Support

Previous views: 194

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