MuPAD (www.mupad.de) yields MIT-SHM missing with Xmanager [1]

MuPAD (www.mupad.de) yields MIT-SHM missing with Xmanager [1]

MuPAD (www.mupad.de) yields MIT-SHM missing with Xmanager

Wednesday, June 4, 2003 4:33 PM - Michael Altmann

At startup of xmupad over a SSH connection with Xmanager
the warning

Xlib: extension "MIT-SHM" missing on display "localhost:10.0"

is issued four times. Any hints?

Re: MuPAD (www.mupad.de) yields MIT-SHM missing with Xmanager

Wednesday, June 4, 2003 5:02 PM - Support

The MIT-SHM extension is useful when MuPAD and X server are running on the same system sharing memory blocks to improve performance. In remote X server, it is meaningless and just ignore the message if the MuPAD works well.

Technical Support

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