Cannot move windows in passive mode [3]

Cannot move windows in passive mode [3]

Cannot move windows in passive mode

Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:27 PM - hayt

Hi to all.
Every time I use Xmanager in passive mode from MS Windows (then I start from a telnet session a graphical application exporting the display) I experience the same problem: the windows Xmanager opens are unmovable (there isn't the top bar, and then the windows cannot be dragged). Of course, this is a real problem when I start more then one application, because all windows will be overlapped.
Is there any setting to avoid this?
Thanks a lot

Re: Cannot move windows in passive mode

Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:37 PM - Support

After running an xterm first, you can a window manager program to attach title bar and borders as following:

$ twm &

Or else, run Xconfig in Xmanager folder and change the window mode to "Multiple Window Mode". This will fix the problem.

Technical Support

Re: Cannot move windows in passive mode

Thursday, June 5, 2003 9:00 PM - hayt

It's running in multiple windows mode but the problem persists.
By the way, with twm it works.

Re: Re: Cannot move windows in passive mode

Friday, June 6, 2003 12:34 AM - Support

Some java related applications can remove the title bar. You can try to configure "Window Manager" option to "LocalOnly" in the Xconfig.

Hope to solve the problem.

Technical Support

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