Evaluation Install Doesn't Work [2]

Evaluation Install Doesn't Work [2]

Evaluation Install Doesn't Work

Thursday, February 13, 2003 3:41 PM - Paul

I downloaded a copy for evaluation, started the setup program and got the Install Wizard. I hit NEXT a couple of times and got to the screen where is says name and organization. My phone then rings, so I pressed cancel and quit out of the install. Later, when I rerun the install and get back to the name, org screen, the NEXT button is grayed out and I cannot continue.



Re: Evaluation Install Doesn't Work

Thursday, February 13, 2003 4:23 PM - Support

The Next button is enabled when all input fields have valid data. Please enter User Name, Company and Serial No. fields. For evaluation purpose, you should enter "evaluation" in the Serial No. input box.

If the problem persists, please give us the following information:

- A screenshot of the problem window
- Windows version
- Xmanager version or filename

Technical support

Re: Re: Evaluation Install Doesn't Work

Thursday, February 13, 2003 4:55 PM - Paul

Doh! I left the Company field blank and that was the problem.

Thank you for helping out.


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