Copy Paste [3]

Copy Paste

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:17 PM - Nimish

Not able to do copy paste from xmanager to text file, since the size of the data is more than 100 line. In Exceed we are able to do the same. is there any settings needs to be modified.

Re: Copy Paste

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:26 PM - Support

Xmanager has a problem in handling large data with the automatic cut & paste feature. Our engineers will research for the problem and reply to you soon.

Technical Support

Re: Xmanager update is available

Friday, May 2, 2003 6:19 PM - Support

Xmanager update version is available at:


It support large data transfer in cut & paste operation.

We would appreciate your feedback.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Xmanager update is available

Friday, May 2, 2003 7:41 PM

We will download the same and provide you the feedback.

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