Is Xmanager available under VPN? [2]

Is Xmanager available under VPN? [2]

Is Xmanager available under VPN?

Thursday, June 19, 2003 12:33 PM - percy

My company has a LAN with several unix hosts and win2k workstations.It is OK using the Xmanager to connect to the host with the workstations in the LAN.
We now demand that remote workstaions could connect to the unix hosts in the LAN.
Is the following method available to achieve the above aim?
.establish a win2k based VPN server connected to the LAN, and up-connected to the internet through ADSL or DDN
.the remote worksation, using the dynamic or static IP address of the VPN server, connect to the LAN.
.using the Xmanager to connect the remote workstations to the hosts in the LAN.

Thank you so much for you attention.

Re: Is Xmanager available under VPN?

Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:30 PM - Support

If the VPN is configured ideally, the remote PC at home will be located in the same virtual network with the Unix hosts at work. There may be no problem in using Xmanager in this situation.

However, depending on the VPN product and configuration the two machines may be in different segments. Also, a firewall can be enabled to block connections from Unix to PC. You should confirm that Xmanager is a server software and xterm or other X applications on Unix try to connect to the TCP port 6000 of your PC at home.

Anyway please consider the followings when setting up the VPN.

- The IP address allocated by the VPN should be reachable from Unix.
You can test it by running "ping" on Unix to your PC.
- Xmanager requires that a lot of TCP and UDP ports are open.
- Unix host listens UDP 177 for XDMCP service and it should be open.
- Xmanager listens TCP 6000 ~ 6010 and it shouldn't be block by a firewall configuration.

I hope this can help you.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Is Xmanager available under VPN?

Thursday, June 19, 2003 7:35 PM - percy

Thank you so much.I do think it will help me a lot.

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