XDMCP Connection to a host trough VPN [3]

XDMCP Connection to a host trough VPN [3]

XDMCP Connection to a host trough VPN

Friday, April 15, 2005 2:51 PM - xkenshin

XDMCP Connection to a host trough VPN

I think i have a similar problem with Mohamed.
I'm successful using the Xmanager within the LAN. But when i connect using VPN i got error message
XDMCP connection failed, try again ?

I manage to FTP, Browse the Web, SSH and all but only Xmanager not working.

I check with the VPN Gateway also allow the connection from 177 port.

Re: XDMCP Connection to a host trough VPN

Monday, April 18, 2005 10:48 PM - Support

The error may occur when:
- The incoming TCP ports 6000 ~ 6010 are blocked by your VPN gateway. Xmanager listens those ports.
- The VPN allocates an another IP address for your PC. But the IP address is not selected by Xmanager or it is not available for Xmanager.

Please try to run the ipconfig command in the DOS command window:

C:\> ipconfig /all

Also read Xmanager log files at:
C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application Data\NetSarang\Xmanager\2\Log\*.log

If your problem persists, please upload the ipconfig output and Xmanager log files.

Technical Support

Re: XDMCP Connection to a host trough VPN

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 7:49 PM - Venkatesh

XDM query connection to linux host thru vpn not working. Even i am not getting option to choose ip address.
uploading files.

Re: XDMCP Connection to a host trough VPN

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 10:47 PM - Support

The log file shows that the connection cannot be made because the remote host cannot make a connection back to the PC via TCP 6000 port.

To resolve the problem, please make sure the PC's TCP port 6000 ~6010 are reachable by the remote host. These ports could be blocked by the firewall, gateway or third party internet security applications.

Technical Support

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