Access to remote host behind NAT address [1]

Access to remote host behind NAT address [1]

Access to remote host behind NAT address

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 8:39 AM - New with Xmanager


I new with Xmanager, and I have a problem to connect to remote host behind NAT.

So I try to connect:

connection to XDMCP --> NAT Adress --> Firewall (with forwadding 117 --> 117/IP_remote_host) --> Remote Host(Solaris 10 with XDMCP listen to 117).

I can connect directly to Solaris host but in the same network.


Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : XDMCP connection

Re: Access to remote host behind NAT address

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 11:06 AM - Support

After the remote host acknowledges the XDMCP connection via UDP 177, it, then, needs to make a connection back to your PC via TCP port 6000 (every new connection is assigned to a new port starting from 6000 and up). So, in your case, your firewall is probably blocking incoming connections. To use XDMCP behind the firewall, it requires a bit tricky setup procedure. Here is an instruction:


Also, we recommend you to try using Secure XDMCP. It is much easier to setup and safer to use. The follow the link will show you how to setup a Secure XDMCP session:


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