Using java function ::showMessageDialog and running xmanager [3]

Using java function ::showMessageDialog and running xmanager [3]

Using java function ::showMessageDialog and running xmanager

Thursday, January 8, 2009 3:17 AM - Bj?rn J?nsson


I have a client that have problem using Java 1.5 function showMessageDialog when using xmanager.

The problem is that the dialog is shown behind xmanager window (hides). When we install this product as a client on the pc's it's works fine.

Also there is a sound that doesnt work but it works if we do a client installation.

Any suggestions?


Program Ver. : Xmanager 2.x
Connection Method : Telnet

Re: Using java function ::showMessageDialog and running xmanager

Thursday, January 8, 2009 5:04 PM - Support

First, please try upgrading to Xmanager 3.0.

If the problem persists, please send us the following information.

1. Name/version of the Java application
2. How can we duplicate the problem
3. Screenshots (if possible)

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Re: Using java function ::showMessageDialog and running xmanager

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1:57 AM - Bj¿rn J¿nsson

More information;

More detailed info regarding sound and "on top" problem with XManager 2.0 and 3.0 and SSH connection.

We have a self devolved (external supplier) Swing java application that we install on a server. We have clients accessing this application with XManager 2.0 and 3.0. This application uses java functions (such as Swing toFront() to set this windows on top of every window, outlook, explorer, and more on client machine not just parent window of java application) and also using java function Javax.Sound.Sampled to play a sound on the client machine.

Nothing above works when using XManager 2.0 and 3.0, there is no sound at all and the on top window ends up behind all windows, but it works fine when we do a client installation or use a network installation. It plays sounds and show windows on top of every other user started window and also on top even if parent window not is focused or active.

This is a very critical application where sound and on top is important to the users.


Re: Re: Using java function ::showMessageDialog and running xmanager

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 5:43 PM - Support

Regarding toFront() function problem, please try using the remote window manager such as twm or gnome-wm instead of using local window manager.

Sound is not supported in X Window system unless the X application (in your case java application) uses a sound server/client such as esd or MAS.

If your problem persis after changing to the remote window manager, please contact us at support@netsarang.com.

Technical Support

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