Xmanager outside Netscreen firewall [1]

Xmanager outside Netscreen firewall [1]

Xmanager outside Netscreen firewall

Monday, September 29, 2003 1:19 PM - Mike Tsai

1. Sun WS ---inside L3 switch ---(Trust)NS-50a NAT or Route Mode (untrust)--- internet ---Xmanager ----------> Fail to display
2. Sun WS --- inside L3 switch ---(trust) NS-50A Route Mode ----DMZ or customize zone -----Xmanager ----> OK

i have open all port for connection

anyone can help me ?

Re: Xmanager outside Netscreen firewall

Monday, September 29, 2003 4:58 PM - Support

Xmanager tries to connect to the UDP 177 port of the Solaris server. You need to open or forward the port for XDMCP connections in the NS-50a NAT box.

Xmanager listens TCP 6000 ~ 6010 and the Solaris server should be able to connect to Xmanager. It means your Windows machine should have a public IP address.

If your Windows machine has a private IP address, you can connect to the server using the Xstart program with SSH protocol.

For further support, please provide us "C:\Program Files\Xmanager1.3.9\Xmanager.log" file and let us know the connection method (Xstart or XDMCP) you tried.

Technical Support

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