Non-interactive installs [2]

Non-interactive installs [2]

Non-interactive installs

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:09 AM - David Gibsn

I understand that you have no silent install abilities. Is there a method for non-interactive installs? We have the potential of pushing out patches to several hundred PC's and do not want to visit each one individually.

David Gibson

Re: Non-interactive installs

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:54 AM - Support

Unfortunately we don't have a non-interactive version. If you can explain how the non-interactive version should work in your environment, we can consider to support it. Detailed information about your distribution system would be a great help.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Technical Support

Re: Non-interactive installs supported now

Friday, May 2, 2003 10:05 PM - Support

Now a new version of Xmanager is available at:


Please see below for the detailed steps:

1. Creation of a response file.

Install Xmanager as following:

D:TEMP> xmgr139e.exe -r -f1d:tempxinstall.iss

After successful installation, a response file, "xinstall.iss" will be created in the temp directory.

2. Silent installation.

Using the response file created above, you can install Xmanager silently in another PC.
Please do the following steps:

D:TEMP> xmgr139e.exe -s -f1d:tempxinstall.iss -f2d:tempresult.log

A silent installation will create a log file.

You can do the same steps for uninstallation. First, create an "xuninstall.iss" by following step 1 and uninstall Xmanager in another PC using the response file.

Technical Support

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