how do I export sound??? [5]

how do I export sound??? [5]

how do I export sound???

Monday, June 2, 2003 5:58 PM - Jay


I really like XManager, but my problem is - many of my Unix machines have sound devices, which I cannot hear on my windows PC, since the X does not seem to export sound. Is there a possibility of getting the sound from my Unix machines to my windows PC?

Re: how do I export sound???

Monday, June 2, 2003 6:16 PM - Support

Unfortunately a sound feature is not available in Xmanager. The applications access the sound card on Linux directly and so Xmanager can't get the sound data over the network.

Technical Support

Re: Re: how do I export sound???

Tuesday, June 3, 2003 2:50 AM - Jay

But is there not a sound daemon which is now supposed to take over and coordinate the sounds under Linux? I thought I heard that there was something of the kind in the making... the arts daemon it was called, I think.

Re: Re: Re: how do I export sound???

Tuesday, June 3, 2003 9:17 PM - Support

As far as I know the arts server mixes several sound streams into one sound card attached to the Linux console. It is required when multiple applications try to share one physical device.

To export the sound in Linux into your Windows machine, the arts server sould be installed on your Windows machine. So that a cd player in Linux can access the sound card in your Windows machine. Unfortunately arts server is developed only on Linux. Developers are focused on implementation of primitive sound API and, I think, have no more energy to consider X terminal environment currently.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: how do I export sound???

Friday, June 6, 2003 5:34 PM

Just as an idea: one could reroute the dev/snd to a little stream server like icecast - you could solve this with a simple rpm-package and an install script.
Then, all you need under windows is a client which listens to the machine the XManager contacts and just puts whatever the stream delivers unto the windows soundcard. And, voila: you can listen to whatever happens on your Linux machine.

Concerning the stream server, I am at the moment installing one, I will try this part. Concerning the windows part, maybe you people could help.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: how do I export sound???

Saturday, June 7, 2003 4:25 AM - Support

For the Windows part, several clients are already available in the market such as Sonique and Winamp. Those utilities will support the icecast stream server. I hope these utilities can help you.

Technical Support

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