Starting X Clients from the Tray [2]

Starting X Clients from the Tray [2]

Starting X Clients from the Tray

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 10:54 AM - tgirsch

Anyone:I've been using XManager 1.3.9 for years now, and I've always been very happy with the product. When I learned XManager 2.0 came out, I decided I would try it, but I initially had problems with tunneling across a VPN. Now that problem seems to be resolved, but I notice a feature from 1.3.9 seems to be missing in 2.0:In v1.3.9, once I started XManager, it would drop an "X" logo in the Windows XP tray (v2.0 still does this). In v1.3.9, I could click on that X, and there would be a "Clients" submenu from which I could select one of my predefined clients and connect. That seems to be missing from v2.0 and I miss it severely.Am I missing something, or is the feature no longer there? And if it's gone, how do I go about getting it back?I'm licensed for both v2.0 and v.1.3.9, so if the feature is gone from v2.0, I will likely just continue using 1.3.9 (being a creature of habit).Anyone have any ideas?Thanks,- tgirsch

Re: Starting X Clients from the Tray

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:59 PM - Support

Thank you for the feature request. It has been reported to our development teams and will be included in our next Xmanager releases.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Re: Re: Starting X Clients from the Tray

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:24 PM - Support

Clients menu has been added to the system menu of Xmanager. Clients menu lets you launch Start sessions directly from Xmanager.

You can download the latest Xmanager from the following link:


Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

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