Problem connecting to two servers [1]

Problem connecting to two servers [1]

Problem connecting to two servers

Saturday, March 19, 2005 4:37 AM - Dan P.


We're having problems connecting to two SunOS servers using Xmanager.

We have 3 Sun servers: two running an application called Netcool 1 and 2 and one running HP Openview and Visual UpTime appications. We're able to connect with no problem to the HP Openview server. Regarding the other two servers, we used to be able to connect to one of them(Netcool2) but 3 months ago Netcool1 server(the server that we could connect in the past but no longer can) went down. We made an identical copy of the hard drive and had a UNIX analyst massage some files to be able to bring up the server. But in the process now we can't connect to either Netcool servers. We're able to ping both servers. We can't FTP to either one and we can't connect through Xmanagre. We checked that xterm is in /usr/bin/X11/

We don't know where to start from.

Re: Problem connecting to two servers

Monday, March 21, 2005 6:09 PM - Support

If you did not make any change to two Solaris servers those are not working(Netcool1 and Netcool2), it is most likely network related problem.

First of all, try to connect to the server with TELNET or FTP programs before trying Xmanager. To connect to the server with Xmanager, FTP and TELNET clients should work without a problem.

Hope to solve your problem.

Technical Support

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