Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH! [11]

Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH! [11]

Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 5:48 PM - Tran Kien


I did all needed things as Tech support told me before for SSH_based XDMCP connection. Previous time, all thing was OK! But now, when connect i got the following errors:
1- on command windows prompt:
$gnome-session &
gtk-warning: invalid cast from NULL poiter to 'GtkOptionMenu'
Xconnection to localhost:12.0 broken..
aumix: error openning mixer
2- on LInux desktop env:
You are not running Gnome compliant windows manager...
(see detail in attachement)
Hope you help me solve this trouble soon!
Thanks & best regards,

Re: Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Thursday, February 17, 2005 2:28 PM - Support

Please try the following steps:

1. Delete GNOME related files on your $HOME directory:

2. Create another user account and try to run gnome-session on the new account.

Also, confirm that you have not changed userid after first login with Xstart. If userid is changed, environment settings may changed not to work correctly.

Technical Support

Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Friday, February 18, 2005 9:58 AM - Tran Kien

Hello Tech support,

User 'oracle' is very mportant for our system, so 'delete all gnome* files in $HOME ' could harm oracle's environment?
I did not delete all the above files, but log in as other user (root), I logged in on linux desktop & did something as on desktop env env, but still got old error 'invalid cast from NULL pointer...aumix:error opening mixer...' (see attchment)
So, how do I need to continue?

Re: Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Friday, February 18, 2005 4:57 PM - Support

Removing Gnome configuration files will not harm your system, since it will be recreated with default value once new gnome session starts. As a precautionary measure, you can rename the files instead of removing it.

Also, after looking at the picture you attached, Gnome session seems to be running in the background already. If this is the case, window manager can conflict with one another and may fail to start.

To further assist you, please tell us following information:
1. Step by step procedure on how you started the Gnome desktop environment that is running in the background.
2. Vendor/version of the remote host.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Monday, February 21, 2005 10:02 AM - Tran Kien


Sorry for replying late because of weekend! The following are for your questions:
1.run Xstart withh SSH protocol
- log in as root
2.at command prompt, issued: $gnome-session &
2-Remote host:
- OS: RH Linux AS 2.1
- Machine: IBM, intel pentium 4
Hope all that things are enough?

Re: Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Monday, February 21, 2005 5:49 PM - support

We are still trying to pinpoint the cause of your problem. However please follow the test procedure below and send us the result:

1. create a new account
2. Using Xstart login to the new account.
3. Execute gnome-session

This will tell us whether your problem is related to your account or the system.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:17 AM - Tran Kien


I created 'test' account & error still gotten as the previous time! (see attchment)
Now is noe more question: how to successfully close ssh_based XDCMP session? (I have only choice to close is 'double-click on 'XManager' sign in bottom bar of Windows, chosed 'Close'"

Re: Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:33 PM - Support

It seems there is already a gnome session running on the background. You don't have to run another gnome-session explicitly. One X server can handle only one gnome-session at a time.

On the bottom of desktop you can see the Gnome taskbar. To terminate your gnome session, click the left most button on the Gnome taskbar.

Still I don't understand why you are trying to run another gnome session because you are already connected to your Redhat with a gnome session successfully.

Technical Support

Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:43 PM - Tran Kien


I was trying to run another gnome-session because i did not know it was running in background! Now it seems that my gnome-session is still running in background, so how to kill it to issue next gnome-session???

Re: Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:08 PM - Support

To kill gnome-session, click the left-most button on the gnome taskbar. On the menu you can select an appropriate command.

You don't have to kill the existing gnome-session to get another one. Instead of running Xmanager directly, run the Xbrowser program. From Xbrowser, you can open multiple gnome-session simutaneously.

For more help, please refer to the manual for Gnome desktop.

Technical Support

Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Friday, February 25, 2005 10:34 AM - Tran Kien


Thanks for your immediate support! But I still want:
1-How to kill gnome-session in background?
2-XBrowser is not ssh_based XDMCP connection, so why you advise me use it?

Re: Continuing to XDMCP connection with SSH!

Monday, February 28, 2005 11:55 AM - WoinkDa'Unique

To close Gnome-session running on the background, click on the foot icon on lower left corner of gnome desktop. It should open up a gnome menu and click logout. When logout dialog box opens up click OK.

For your information you can just use the gnome-session running in the background.

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