Secure XDMCP Connection

Secure XDMCP Connection

A Secure XDMCP connection is a safer and simpler XDMCP connection using the SSH protocol.
SSH protocols allow for, not only a secure connection, but also a convenient X11 connection in network environments blocked by a firewall, a masquerade server, or an NAT gateway.
To use Secure XDMCP, an SSH server must be in operation on a remote server and the X11 forwarding function must be activated.
For an OpenSSH server, modify the setup file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) as follows.
X11Forwarding yes
For a Secure Shell Communications Security server, modify the setup file (/etc/ssh2/sshd2_config) as follows.
AllowX11Forwarding yes

To Create a Secure XDMCP Session:

  1. Run Xmanager.
  2. Click [XDMCP Session] in [New].
  3. Select [Method] as Secure XDMCP in the Session Properties dialog box and enter the necessary information in [Connection Address].
  • Note
    If a host is displayed in the list of XDMCP sessions, you can easily create a Secure XDMCP session by right clicking the host and selecting [Save as SSH Connection] in the context menu.

To Set a Secure XDMCP Session When the XDMCP Host is Different from SSH Server:

  1. Right click the desired XDMCP session and click [Properties]. The Session Properties dialog box is displayed.
  2. Set [Method] as Secure XDMCP, and click [Setup] on the right. The Secure XDMCP Setup dialog box is displayed.
  3. Activate [Host] by selecting [The SSH server host is different from the XDMCP server].
  4. Enter the SSH server host name or IP address in [Host].
  5. Enter user information in the [User Authentication] field.
  6. Click [OK] to save.
  • Note
    If the SSH server is different from the XDMCP host, enter the SSH server host name or IP address for tunneling. In this case, the user needs to configure the SSH proxy server so that it can bind to not only loopback address (, but also external connections. For OpenSSH, set the GatewayPorts value to yes in the SSH server setup file.

To Connect with a Secure XDMCP Session:

  1. Run Xmanager.
  2. Double-click the Secure XDMCP session.

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