Firewall-related Settings

Firewall-related Settings

Special settings are required if a remote host is in another network on the opposite side of a gateway or if there is a firewall between the user's PC and a remote host. This is because Xmanager is a server program and remote X applications connect to Xmanager in a user's PC.
The keep alive option to retain connections, which is supported by SSH protocols, is useful when a firewall forcefully ends a connection that is idle for a set period of time.
Port-forwarding is required for XDMCP connections when you are in a private network and you connect to a remote host over a router. Once you have configured port-forwarding on the router, you should configure the connection address for XDMCP connections.

To Use Keep Alive Option for SSH Connections in a Firewall Environment:

  1. Run Xstart.
  2. Select a session from the [Session] list.
  3. Select SSH from the [Protocol] list.
  4. Click [Setup]. SSH Protocol Setup dialog box is displayed.
  5. Click the [General] tab.
  6. Select [Send keep alive signal].
  7. Click [OK].

To Set Router Port Forwarding:

  1. Connect to a router and move to port forwarding setup page.
  2. Forward external router ports TCP 6000 ~ 6010 to the 6000 ~ 6010 ports in the user PC. If the user PC IP address is Router Port PC Port Address6000 6000192.168.1.2 6001 6001192.168.1.2…6010 6010192.168.1.2
    • Note
      The router port number does not need to be the same as the PC port number. However, X applications attempt connection with the IP address and the corresponding router port. Since router forwards packets to a PC port according to the port forwarding rules, the display number designated in Xmanager session files must be the same as the port designated in router port forwarding rules. The Xmanager display number added with 6000 becomes the port number.
  3. Save settings.
  4. In the Xstart session, values relating to –display options must be designated as display numbers relevant to the router IP address and port number of the PC designated in the router port forwarding settings. For XDMCP session, [Connection Address] must be set.
    • Note
      For port forwarding settings, see your router's manual.

To Set XDMCP Session Connection Address:

  1. Run Xmanager.
  2. Right-click on a session for which to set the connection address.
  3. Select [Properties].
  4. Click the [General] tab.
  5. Select User Defined as [Address Type] in the [Connection Address] field.
  6. Enter router IP address in the [Connection Address] field [IP Address] box.
  7. Enter a port designated in the router port forwarding setting in of the [Connection Address] field [Port Number] box.
    • Note
      The port number is a router side port number which is configured to perform port-forwarding from router to PC.
  8. Click the [X Server] tab.
  9. Unselect [Allocate display number automatically] in the [Display Number] field.
  10. Enter a display number in [Display Number] relevant to the port number of the PC designated in the router port forwarding setting.
    • Note
      The display number is from the PC port number designated for forwarding from the router to a PC. The port number minus 6000 is the display number.
  11. Click [OK].

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