SSH authentication failure due to no display set [1]

SSH authentication failure due to no display set

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:06 PM - Mike

When connecting with TELNET, I succeed with:

SunOS 5.9

WARNING: You have connected to a private computing machine. Unauthorized access to this machine is a violation of United States Federal Law. If you are
not an authorized user of this machine, you are to disconnect immediately.

Last login: Wed Jan 19 07:44:11 from
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002
bash-2.05$ /usr/openwin/bin/xterm -geometry 120x75+5+5 -name wansvr6 -fn 6x10 -s
b -sl 9999 -ls -bg black -fg green -cr red -display

If you look at my SSH connection, using the same command lines, it fails with the following:

[07:56:27] Resolving host name 'wansvr6'...
[07:56:27] Connecting to 'wansvr6'...
[07:56:27] Connected.
[07:56:27] Version exchange initiated...
[07:56:27] server: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.9p1
[07:56:27] client: SSH-2.0-libssh_1.3.0.5 1881 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[07:56:27] SSH2 is selected.
[07:56:27] Algorithm negotiation initiated...
[07:56:27] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[07:56:27] host key: ssh-dss
[07:56:27] outgoing encryption: aes128-cbc
[07:56:27] incoming encryption: aes128-cbc
[07:56:27] outgoing mac: hmac-sha1
[07:56:27] incoming mac: hmac-sha1
[07:56:27] outgoing compression: zlib
[07:56:27] incoming compression: zlib
[07:56:27] Host authentication initiated...
[07:56:27] Hostkey fingerprint:
[07:56:27] ssh-dsa 1024 70:b9:3c:3e:08:1d:e2:b3:c2:51:8f:b9:f9:2f:ae:d5
[07:56:27] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[07:56:27] Verified.
[07:56:27] User authentication initiated...
[07:56:27] Sent user name 'manderso'.
[07:56:27] Sent public key blob.
[07:56:27] Received PK_OK packet.
[07:56:27] Sent signature blob.
[07:56:27] Access granted.
[07:56:27] Sent X11 forwarding request...
[07:56:27] Succeeded.
[07:56:27] Sent pseudo terminal request...
[07:56:27] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180).
[07:56:27] Succeeded.
[07:56:27] Sent shell request...
[07:56:27] Succeeded.
Last login: Wed Jan 19 07:56:28 2005 from

Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002
bash-2.05$ /usr/openwin/bin/xterm -geometry 120x75+5+5 -name wansvr6 -fn 6x10 -s
b -sl 9999 -ls -bg black -fg green -cr red -display $DISPLAY
/usr/openwin/bin/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: :0.0

Why doesn't SSH set my DISPLAY whereas TELNET does? I've checked permissions on my .Xauthority file, and it's fine. Also, I can get the SSH working on other systems.

From what I've read, it's an issue with the Xforwarding in the /etc/ssh/sshd.conf file, but it is enabled (as you can see above by the SUCCEED after the SET X11 FORWARDING).

Re: SSH authentication failure due to no display set

Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:15 PM - Support

Hello Mike,

It seems like your login script (.profile, .cshrc, .bashrc etc) is manually assigning $DISPLAY value. Telnet protocol passes your local IP address for $DISPLAY value and SSH protocol automatically configures it. There is no need to manually setup $DISPLAY value. Remove the login script part where it is manually assigning $DIPLAY value. Following is an example.

export DISPLAY=:0.0

Hope this solves your problem.

Best regards,

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