Solaris 10 terminal session within Xmanager [1]

Solaris 10 terminal session within Xmanager [1]

Solaris 10 terminal session within Xmanager

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 8:12 AM - dhorowitz

I am using a pertty old version of XManager; 1.3.99. I am connecting to a Solaris 10 box. I am able to enter text at the login screen; username and password.

Once the desktop comes up (Gnome/Java desktop), I am unable to enter text. For example, in a terminal session, or when opening any kind of dialog such as help|search. It seems like the cursor blinks every time I hit a key, but no text shows up.

Re: Solaris 10 terminal session within Xmanager

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:51 AM - Andrew Chang

hi there~

It was a bug in JDS (Java Desktop System). For Sparc Machine, apply the following patch:

Alternative solution can be found at:

Hope this helps.

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