terminal problem with KDE and Gnome [4]

terminal problem with KDE and Gnome [4]

terminal problem with KDE and Gnome

Monday, January 16, 2006 7:41 PM - tom


I connect with Xmanager browser to a german suse 9.3 linux with kde 3.4. I have no problems except wit the terminals:

If I open the first Konsole from the panel all works fine. But if I open a second console, KDEInit popup with an error.

The gnome-terminal start very slow!?! If I start the gnome-terminal, I get a black window with no cursor. After a few minutes!!! the gnome-terminal starts correct.

I use a win XP System. With a Win 2000 System I have no problems.

Can any body help me?


Re: terminal problem with KDE and Gnome

Monday, January 16, 2006 8:14 PM - Lubos Costa

Your posting does not have enough information to give an advice for your Konsole problem. Include screenshots of your error or at error message.

Try launching Konsole in a different user account and again with root user. See if the problem occurs under those accounts.

For Gnome terminal problem, I think you need to allow TCP 16001 port on your PC.

If the problem is not fixed, include 1) Screenshot of your problem, and 2) result of above test.

- Lubos Costa

Re: Re: terminal problem with KDE and Gnome

Monday, January 16, 2006 8:35 PM - tom

The gnome-terminal problem is solved! Thx!
The KDE Konsole has the same problems as root user. If I start the Xmanager from a different computer the Konsole works.
See the screenshot.


Re: Re: Re: terminal problem with KDE and Gnome

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 9:05 AM - Zookeyan

KDE may not suitable for multiple user systems.
Once I had a similar problem in my KDE system.
I started two GUI consoles using virtual console function in linux system (Ctrl+Alt+F7, F8...), when I saw Konsole crashing after popping out error messages(I didn't remember the exact messages. But They're similar to what you get).
In my case, most KDE apps did not be executed.

Re: Re: Re: Re: terminal problem with KDE and Gnome

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 4:41 PM - tom

Hm, ok.
thx for your answer.


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