xdmcp connection failed: cannot open display [2]

xdmcp connection failed: cannot open display [2]

xdmcp connection failed: cannot open display

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 4:42 PM - Nishikanth N

I was working comfortably with xbrowser.

But once i logged out and when i tried to access a host from xbrowser, just a grey screen appears. No login screen appears. the log file shows :
Xdmcp Request Address:
Xdmcp Connection Address 0:
Xdmcp: sent a REQUEST message
Xdmcp: received an ACCEPT message
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 0
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 1
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: Timed out, state 8. Retransmissions: 2
Xdmcp: sent a MANAGE message.
Xdmcp: received a FAILED message.
Xdmcp fatal error: Session failed Session 86 failed for display acer-ce0ab306db:0: Cannot open display

I am also attaching the log file.

Re: xdmcp connection failed: cannot open display

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 6:08 PM - Support

This problem is usually caused by 1) firewall on your PC, 2) incorrect entry in the DNS, or 3) improper operation of xdm.

In each case, try the followings:

1) Follow the instruction on Xmanager FAQ # 12 and configure your firewall.


2) Add your IP address in /etc/hosts like this: PC_NAME

3) Restart the xdm process.

If your problem persists, please send us the following information:

1. Name/version of the remote host.
2. See if other users can log in to that machine.
3. From your computer, try logging in to a different account.

Hope this helps.

Technical Support

Re: Re: xdmcp connection failed: cannot open display

Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:21 PM - Gurvinder

I was facing same problem.

It got resolved after closing local firwall.



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