tunnelled x11 windows limited to one monitor [2]

tunnelled x11 windows limited to one monitor [2]

tunnelled x11 windows limited to one monitor

Saturday, August 26, 2006 5:45 AM - raftman

Hi, I have a dual display setup from my laptop and I would like to utilze both workspaces. However, any windows that are opened through my ssh connection will only stay on one of the monitors. For example, if i try dragging it to the other monitor it will snap back to the original as soon as I try to place it.

I suspect this is a simple fix, but I've messed with the single/multiple window modes and monitor settings on the devices tab.

any help appreciated!

Re: tunnelled x11 windows limited to one monitor

Saturday, August 26, 2006 7:42 AM - Kim

Xmanager 2.0 opens a Monitor selection dialog box when multiple monitors are installed on your system. In the dialog box, select "Virtual Screen".

Hope this helps you.


Re: Re: tunnelled x11 windows limited to one monitor

Monday, August 28, 2006 11:05 PM - raftman

Thanks - that did it. I thought I had tried all of those settings (virtual screen and both default monitors), but I guess I needed to restart Xmanager or something.

In any case - working great now, thanks!

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